FloodSaver® products protect your home from leaks and floods from washing machines, dishwashers, hotwater heaters and other equipment. Made in the USA with creative ingenuity and efficiency.
Long-lasting Protection
Since 1993 FloodSaver® surrounds, pans and Slide-n-Fold® pans have consistently protected homes from water damage. The strength and durability of these products add customer appeal and resale value to homes. FloodSaver's innovative product line has helped many of our customers to find their own creative uses.
Contain and drain drips and floods
Homeowners love the way FloodSaver® and Slide-N-Fold® products give them peace of mind. These products are designed to contain insidious unseen drips or large flows of water or "Surge" from malfunctioning washing machines, dishwashers, electric hot water heaters, other appliances and hoses or plumbing.
Flexibility of installation and location
Our medium and large pans are available with or without a drain-hole. Our drainless pans allow a drain to be located in cabinets anywhere in the bottom or side, applicable to plumbing constraints. Drainless pans can also be used with water sensors. This flexibility of FloodSaver® product innovation allows appliances to be located in upper floor hallways or closets. Choice of drain placement is flexible, on the bottom or side of the pan. Slide-N-Fold® pans fit nicely in cabinets to allow the installation of appliances into cabinets and other tight spaces.